
'Give Boko Haram Amnesty Or Face Civil War' - Nuhu Ribadu

A former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, has warned that the refusal of President Goodluck Jon...

A former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, has warned that the refusal of President Goodluck Jonathan to grant amnesty to terror group, Boko Haram, can plunge the country into another civil war.
Ribadu,  who was the presidential candidate for the Action Congress of Nigeria in the 2011 presidential election, spoke on Liberty FM in Kaduna on Saturday.

He  urged the President to grant amnesty to the  violent Islamist sect for peace to return to the country, saying he (Jonathan) should not claim that the sect members were ghosts.

He argued that with the way things were  happening in the country, if nothing  was  done, “Nigerians will lose Nigeria to a civil war.”

Advising   Nigerians  against voting for a leader they can not trust, he told  Jonathan to  “hearken to the voice of the people.”

Ribadu said, “Jonathan was wrong to have said he will not grant amnesty to Boko Haram;  he should not fail to protect the  people and when people call saying we are tired, we are down; even if it means to dialogue and have an solution to the whole process, he should opt for such.

“You cannot say they are faceless because faceless people do not do things like this. Faceless people cannot be responsible and daily you see them on Facebook. Faceless people cannot be in your custody; ghosts cannot be people that are in the community, people who at a point wanted to dialogue.”

The former EFCC chairman added that  a  war could be averted  “if we  come  together forgetting about sentiments, about differences and working  towards unity and saving the resources of this country because it is only through that that we will be able to achieve peace.”

Ribadu  added that the presidential pardon granted  former Bayelsa State Governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha  and others showed that Jonathan was insensitive to the plight of  the Nigerian masses.

According to him, it was worrisome for a government  that  knew nothing about the case to pardon  the former governor who was convicted for looting public funds. He argued  that the action   was a big setback  for   the fight against corruption in the country.

He said, “The pardon granted  Alamieyeseigha and Shettima Bulama  by  the President  is a tragic development. A very unfair action against Nigerians because corruption is our biggest problem and any step taken against the direction of reversing it is a negative development in our own country.

“Our leaders are very insensitive to the ordinary people and very unfair to Nigeria. If you take selfish interest before the interest of the people, personally, as a person who did the work of fighting corruption, they were my own cases and they were extremely very important to me.

“They were the first set of convictions that we recorded and they were significant because they were the first set of cases of convictions in Nigeria since independence. We have never had a governor or a Chief Executive Officer of a bank being convicted for a crime.”

Meanwhile, a coalition of Northern civil society groups, led by Mallam Shehu Sani,  also  faulted the pardon granted Alamieyeseigha, saying it  had made  nonsense of the anti-corruption crusade of the Federal Government.

The coalition  argued that the pardon granted   the late Gen. Shehu   Yar’Adua, former Chief of General Staff , Gen. Oladipo Diya and the late Gen.Abdulkareem Adisa was just to give creditability to the exercise.

It said, “What  we  know very well is that pardon for Alamieyeseigha   is unpopular, and President   Jonathan has demonstrated over the years to be rewarding corruption and aiding and abetting it.”

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  1. Tragic indeed.ls tell cannt a northern leader facilitate d mtng bw govt and bokl haram.Will it be fair to just gra.t lardon to a person who did nkt ask.Ask and hou shall receive.Alayesiamagba will meet Godn

  2. Ribadu, i think you are mad or an inbesile

  3. Am suprise mr Ribadu.talk like a litrate mehn

    1. Its you that is illitrate why you always want abuse us becouse we don't reply.

  4. hahahaha. Just immagin an idiot talking like a gaot. Since the northerners ar set for a war, then lets go into it and see nah? You pple tink it will be like wht happend btwn 1966-70 whn some part of the igbo land 4th d war? Dis time its going to be a different ball game. Iiiiidddddiiiiooooot.

  5. Ribadu has it very wrong here

  6. Ribadu is saying the truth. Even in ur house if your son's waywardness could not be curtailed by a two years old strategy u adopted then u will definitely have to change. MEND were the first to introduce bomb to this country, yet militants were given amnesty. If Yar'adua could do that then i dont see any reason why Goodluck should not copy that sincerity and do thesame.

  7. I wonder how we are spoiling for war in our country. We should always jaw-jaw than war-war. I always respect individual opinion but at the same time, we should look critically at the issue at stake before we pass our judgment. The question is would the reasons adduced by Boko Haram for destroying both lives and properties qualify them for amnesty? This should be our line of thinking going forward.


  9. i think we have to change our attitude to Life, must we destroy properties and human being to draw government attention.My people remember that we all must gave account of our actions to God on the last day. we should be mindful of what we do or our comments.

  10. Nuhu Ribadu again! Sometimes this man talks like a raving lunatic! Without thinking! How can you grant amnesty to a terrorist group who's acclaimed primary aim is to establish an independent Islamic state under Sharia law, whose belief is that Western ideas, particularly from British colonialism, have turned Muslims away from the virtues of Islam, whose primary medium of propagation is blood shed, sorrow, tears and blood, who since it launched an uprising against the government in 2009 has been linked to the death of at least 3000 people and the count is still rising by the day? Even Dr. Ahmad Gumi, fearless cleric and son of the late famous Sheik Abubakar Mahmoud Gumi, has kicked against amnesty for the Boko Haram sect as has been proposed by the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III and several prominent Nigerians, saying they ought to be crushed.

    Instead of advocating an impossible solution to the crises which I believe has been foisted on us by some disgruntled elements / politicians in the north, he should begin to find ways of addressing the follwing puzzles posed by The Northern States Elders Christian Forum (NOSCEF), led by Evangelist Matthew Owojaiye.

    NOSCEF has suggested that the key issue is economic, not religious, pointing out that the Northern states have so far produced nine Heads of State, only one of whom, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, was a Christian.

    In its words, "What did these 8 Head of States except Sir Ahmadu Bello do for the people? How come the people are poor when their own people have been in power most of the time?

    “Most of the Governors in the North are Muslims. How come their people are so poor? How come they are the ones selling water in jerry cans? How come they are the ones doing shoe shining? How come they are the ones breaking fire woods into pieces? How come they are the ones doing maiguard, night guard work? These Northern leaders have cheated the Northern masses too much.”

    It also pointed out that most of the Federal Ministers from the North are Muslims. “What did their people benefit from it? Almost nothing. The Northern States have far more Local Governments. None earns less than N100 million a month from the Federal Government. What did they do with it? The Federal Government pumped billion of Naira into nomadic education. Where is the result?”

    Continued the statement, “Most of those who are Ambassadors from the North are Muslims. The Governor of Central Bank is a Muslim from the North. The Minister of Education is a Muslim from the North. The Inspector General of Police is a Muslim from the North. The National Security Adviser is a Muslim from the North. The Chief Justice of the Federation is a Muslim from the North.”

    It further pointed out that there are more Northern Muslims Senators; more Muslim Northern House of Representative Members; and more Northern Muslim Commissioners of Police.

    “Most of those who own Petrol Stations in the North are Muslims. Most of those who have been Executive Directors from the North are Muslims. Most of the Vice Chancellors of Universities and Rectors of Polytechnics in the North are Muslims. Most of the owners of trailers in the North are Muslims. All who have ever been Vice Presidents of Nigeria from the North are all Muslims.”

    With all of this in mind, the statement asked, “What have the Christians done in the North to cause poverty in the North that warrants total annihilation?” adding, “They are attacking the wrong people.”

    As soon as Ribadu and his northern oppressors can address these issues, then we can jolly well be on the path to making this terrorist group irrelevant and thus unable to garner any followers.

  11. Is this man part of Boko Haram?

  12. I pray there should be civil war as stated by Mr. Ribadu. May be it is then all the problems in Nigeria would be over and all other issues standardised.

  13. If you've experienced war before,you wont pray for it...

  14. Ribadu is one of the sponsors of Boko Haram, period.

  15. Kudos to all contribute to malam Nuhu Ribadu bt my question is that what did you suggest for Government to do with Boko Haram now? Tell us?

  16. The reason behind the amnesty is now clear, so you should stop rendering bad comments about this issue. You should consider the words of Uzor Kalu about Boko Haram. Therefore the best thing is to pave way for peace to reign. This will even allow and help the security operatives to apprehend the evils. And stop their own side of the brutality on the innocent. There are people within the corridors of power that has interest in all that is happening either economically or for selfish political motives. Infact, the advices of Nuhu Ribadu is a good one. He is a security and intelligent officer, at least his words should be heard.

  17. Mr.Ribadu grant the BOKO HARAM amnesty with whose resources,ground-nut pyramid or cow.how much does your region contributes to the national treasury.the sooner you Northeners realises the fact that power has changed hands the better for all of us.

  18. Now the christian communities knows who the sponsor of boko haram are,amnesty or war, no wonder the northern leaders should come out and said they are not happy with the amnesty granted to the niger delta militant and that is why they formed the boko haram militant. mr ribadu, i don't believed this remarks come from you, pls be rest assured that the best option for Nigeria is the war. we can see the hand work of people like you in abdullahi adamu and aliyu akwai doma in Nasarawa state were foreign nationals were sponsor to destabilize the govt of Tanko Almakura. once again "WAR" is the best option for Nigeria.

  19. Unless we forget, there was a comment made by Atiku Abubakar when he lost the presidential primary, that "those who don't want to relinquish power, that power will be taken away from them by force" days or weeks later different type of arms were intercepted in our ports. Only God knows the numbers of containers that must have found their way into the country.

  20. Nuhu says the peace of nigeria is dependent on our recourses, so i ask which resourses is this rat looking idiot picked from the gutters by OBJ to do his dirty works mean.

    I think the bokoharam loaths western ideology and amnesty is not a muslim ideology. You can't give them what they hate.

    Boko (western ideologies), they say is Haram (anathema).

    please please the group abhorrs amnesty and its just a simple logic.

    Treat a fool in accordance with his foolishness so that he may never learn.

    Come 2015 the present regime in Nigeria will use incumbency powers to rig themselves into power again. its been happening in nigeria so heaven will not fall and nigeria must remain one. after 2018 the ibos will produce their own nigerian president after close to 50years they helped nigeria secure her independence from Britain. then in 2025/6 a referendum as to wether Nigeria could practice true fiscal federalism or continue with this unitary federalism shall be held along with other and all manners of national conferences.

    atiku, ibb and buhari cried when it became obvious JEG had the constitutional mandate to rule nigeria after the death of yaradua. they even tried to kick out the nigerian constitution which they wrote with military uniforms and said we the nigerians wrote.

    The north has become increasingly aware they can not rule nigeria accept by way of military interegna or coups, a very indecent way to power. remember it was niger state whose brazen slogan was burn to rule and whatever that means to achieve for them i don't know. but i think they know now.

  21. Boko-Haram is no more faceless!! Ribadu and others asking for their amnesty is their faces . For them the only reason for one Nigeria is the oil in the Niger delta and they want more share through amnesty.



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