
Big Brother Update - Annabel Reveals To Biggie What She Worries Most About

Kenya's only surviving representative to Big Brother - The Chase, Annabel Mbaru seems to be playing her card just right because so far s...

Kenya's only surviving representative to Big Brother - The Chase, Annabel Mbaru seems to be playing her card just right because so far she has not tasted nomination for a possible eviction and has also tried so much to steer clear of controversy after from THIS.
Well, yesterday, Anne had her chance to once again open up to Biggie after doing so the first time. During her diary sessio yesterday, she expressed her fears to Biggie and what she thinks of fellow housemates. Here's how it went;

Biggie: Annabel Good day and welcome to your DS

Annabel: Good day Biggie. How are you?

Biggie: Any interesting event during the weekend?

Annabel: The party on Saturday, it was good getting out of the house

Biggie: How did you find last night?

Annabel: It was shocking to see people leaving. I didnt expect Koketso to go.

Biggie: How does it feel to never be nominated?

Annabel: It feels good but any day one can be on the block and I always expect.

Biggie: How do you relate the Diamond House to Ruby?

Annabel: Swapping makes it confusing as strong housemates are swapped

Biggie: What do you feel about the swapped housemates (Out going and incoming)?

Annabel: Beverly is cool and I like her. Biguesas is too quiet and reserved. It was shocking to see Elikem and Angelo. For Angelo it was a bit sensitive.

Biggie: Any of the Housemates you miss the most?

Annabel: Maybe Angelo, he's cool and we had started talking a lot

Biggie: How do you relate to your fellow housemates?

Annabel: I bring joy and am very social.

Biggie: Your relationship with Fatima?

Annabel: We are both are strong 

Biggie: What Housemates make of intimidation?

Annabel: There is a lot of sucking up, and they sugarcoat illusions

Biggie: What worries her the most?

Annabel: My life in Big Brother House.

Biggie: Focus on the prize..

Annabel then asked Biggie about her bags as she wants to get her shoes , sandals among other personal effects.
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