
Man Swallowed Alive By Shark Stabs Shark From Inside Its Body {PICTURED}

A wild photograph has emerged of what appears to be a man who was swallowed alive by a shark, fighting for his life by reaching through the ...

A wild photograph has emerged of what appears to be a man who was swallowed alive by a shark, fighting for his life by reaching through the beast’s gills and stabbing the shark in the face.
The dramatic photo, which is hanging up in an Australian pub, shows a tattooed arm wielding a knife and stabbing the shark in a valiant effort at surviving.

Eh… sort of. The shark was actually dead long before the fisherman took the photo of himself inside the shark.

The unnamed fisherman had captured the shark earlier, killing and gutting it before climbing inside for the wild photo.

“This fellow has decided as a jape to climb inside the shark with a knife, put his hand through the gills of the shark and pretended to stab it between the eyes,” said local radio host John Burns of Melbourne’s 3AW.

Don’t develop an irrational fear of being swallowed whole by a shark, as sharks don’t commonly attack humans and when they do, they opt to tear them to shreds rather than to swallow them whole.
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  1. This can never be true, sharks won't swallow a human whole rather it will bite into sizeable bits before swallowing or was this particular shark toothless?

  2. so how did the man got his hand snapping himself

  3. My Lord and my God, this is strange but still thank God for your life

  4. i wonder if some peolpe do ever read news before commenting.

  5. Are u sure this is real?

  6. Didnt you read be4 commenting? Duh!

  7. Is can never happen how did he take the knife where ever it was and managed to pull his hand out stabbing like that.

  8. Fools read before you comment.

  9. Interesting fable!

  10. Who is that guy fooling,he can't get any medal 4rm such tricks.

  11. He enterd dead fish. Fool u

  12. The fisher man want's to break The Guinness Book of record,
    and fool some people, well it is written in The Bible that @ the last days there will be miracle here and there but who knows which is true. but for this one the fisher man has just fool his self.
    I recommend him to apply to BEN10 cartoon industry he will be useful there.

  13. First of all, this fish is not shark but catfish also, if you look very well, you will see that the belly of this fish is open, which means that this guy entered this fish from the opened belly. Smart guy.



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