
Nigeria Massacre - Boko Haram Islamists Shoot Pastor, Two Children, Set Church Ablaze

A shooting took place in a church in Yobe state in the early Thursday morning hours. Suspected members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect shot t...

A shooting took place in a church in Yobe state in the early Thursday morning hours. Suspected members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect shot the pastor and both his children, then set the building on fire and fled the scene.
The slaughter occured in the town of Dorawa  village, Nangere local government area, only 30 kilometres away from the scene of another murderous attack. In July 2013, dozens young students were slaughtered in a school there.

In a statement to the press, the area military spokesperson Eli Lazarus said the unknown gunmen are suspected to be Boko Haram terrorists. He confirmed that, in the course of the attack, the pastor and his two children were killed.

He further narrated that not only the church, but two other buildings in the community were burnt by the terrorists.

Men of the 3 Division Special Operations Battalion are currently working to ensure the arrest of the culprits, he added.

Naij.com reminds that in mid-May 2013, Yobe, along with two other northeastern states, was placed under emergency state.

Since introduction of the severe emergency measures, the Boko Haram insurgents have targeted vigilante groups (widely known as "civilian JTF (Joint Task Force)") that were formed to help the military, as well as civilians.

This latest outburst of violence comes after a new video emerged. In it, a man resembling Boko Haram's leader, Abubakar Shekau, mocks reports of his own death. The wanted global terrorist, Shekau was believed to be "fatally wounded" in a clash on June 30, 2013.
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  1. By virtue of the fact that they resemble human beings does not necessarely mean they are human. We know that humanity decended from the apes and along that line there surely were many deviations which would leave several different levels of humanity. This explains the actions of some of these non human animals. We must reach the point where such actions will strip the perpatrators of all human rights, treat them as bacteria and destroy them.



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