
LIBYA: Air attack on Tripoli airport delays peace delegation

Warplanes from Libya’s UN-recognised government have attacked Tripoli’s only functioning commercial airport, temporarily stopping negot...

Warplanes from Libya’s UN-recognised government have attacked Tripoli’s only functioning commercial airport, temporarily stopping negotiators from travelling to Morocco for peace talks, officials have said.

The attack on Maitiga airport on Thursday caused no major damage but delayed a Tripoli-based delegation from attending the Rabat-based talks.

Mohamed El Hejazi, a spokesman of forces allied to the UN-backed Tobruk-based government claimed responsibility for the attack.

“The strike is part of a war against terrorism that will continue until Libya has been freed of terrorism,” he said.
Libya’s legislators are split between the UN-recognised government in Tobruk and the General National Congress, a rival legally-installed government in Tripoli.

(Al Jazeera)
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