
Ghanaian Musician KK Fosu Collapses After Rehearsal

Recent reports have it that Ghanaian highlife artiste K.K Fosu collapsed yesterday at Agbogba in Accra.

Recent reports have it that Ghanaian highlife artiste K.K Fosu collapsed yesterday at Agbogba in Accra.

The musician collapsed after rehearsing ten songs on Tuesday, March 22 ahead of an EIB high-life concert he is billed to perform.

Mel Kwesi Davis, manager of K.K. Fosu who confirmed the unfortunate incident to Zionfelix.com revealed that “he collapsed after doing his rehearsing.”

“KK Fosu and Amakye Dede are headlining EIB concert this Saturday so he and Dada Hafco had finished rehearsing since they will be doing a duet at the show.

He had finished rehearsing ten songs so the incident happened after the rehearsing not during the live band rehearsal session.”

He continued that K.K Fosu is responding to treatment but he has been discharged from Cedar Medical Hospital at Haatso in Accra where he was earlier admitted.

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