
Ghana: I don’t depend on politicians – Popular boxer Bukom Banku

Popular boxer Braimah Kamoko has denied speculation that his support of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its leader...

Popular boxer Braimah Kamoko has denied speculation that his support of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its leader, President John Dramani Mahama, is motivated by financial gain.

Kamoko, also known as Bukom Banku, said he was self-reliant and his fervour for the government was not down to receiving money from the President or other officials in the NDC administration, as he moonlights as a presenter, musician, and politician during the periods he is not training for a bout.

“No politician takes care of me. I have plenty children, and I take care of all of them. I am [also] an MC (Master of Ceremonies), I do everything. When the boxing is not [happening], I emcee,” the undefeated cruiserweight boxer told Chief Jerry Forson on Accra FM’s morning show, Ghana Yensom, Friday May 13.

“[I am] a boxer, politician, musician. I do not need a politician’s money before I can [survive]. I had my own money before supporting John Dramani Mahama and by the grace of God my father [Mahama] will win the election in 2016.”

He further revealed that he was an ardent follower of the NDC and was backing Mr Mahama for a second term “because he is working hard for the nation” and had made Ghana look as beautiful as “South Africa, Egypt, and Dubai”.

“John Mahama has made Ghana very good…, just support Mahama to make Ghana better for us,” he urged listeners.

Asked if he didn’t think the president should concern himself with improving the economy rather than the numerous infrastructural projects he was undertaking, as many Ghanaians were complaining they could not feel the impact of the NDC’s Better Ghana governance in their pockets, Banku said: “You will feel money in your pockets. Let the president make Ghana beautiful before the money comes into the country… Let John Mahama make the country like Egypt, Dubai, America, before you get money in your pockets... You know that the man is working hard.”
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