
Kenyan prophet in trouble for demanding sexual favours from female followers

A Kenyan based prophet, Zacharia Baricho, is the source of serious controversy after it emerged that he has been conning the people of Git...

A Kenyan based prophet, Zacharia Baricho, is the source of serious controversy after it emerged that he has been conning the people of Gitare Village in Gatundu South, Kiambu County, out of huge sums of money as well telling that the holy spirit instructed him to sleep with the women to rid them of various evil spirits plaguing them, Citizen Digital reports.

The revelation came after more than 100 residents of the village took to the streets to protest against the prophet who they say is fake.

Baricho who is the founder of the Belishiba Church in the area, and also known popularly as Nabii Wanyonyi, according to the protesters, allegedly asked the people for foodstuffs, livestock and money from the elderly people in the area and his followers, leading to the breakup of many families in the area.

One of the protesters, a former member of Belishiba Church, alleged that she left the church after Prophet Baricho claimed that the spirit had instructed him to marry her.
Some of the women also claimed that the prophet has been soliciting sexual favours from female members of the congregation claiming that the spirit has directed him to sleep with the women seven times, failure to which they are branded witches.

The residents are appealing to the concerned authorities to intervene and close the church to stop the false prophet from conning the villagers, threatening that they will burn the father of 12 alive.
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