
Toure falls in love with horror movies

Manchester City's Yaya Toure has expressed his unending love for horror movies when he leaves training sessions.

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Manchester City's Yaya Toure has expressed his unending love for horror movies when he leaves training sessions.

The 33-year old midfielder who has been out of the Citizen's plan for more than 90 days revealed that whenever he is back from training, he watches four horror movies in a day.

Yaya who has not seen much playing time with just one game for City under Guardiola also stated his irrational ritual before setting out to play football.

"I love horror movies. Sometimes, I'll be able to watch four or five in the same day because after training I stay at home just boring myself in a movie," Yaya told BBC

"I have always been doing the same thing, left shoe before right shoe as a superstition."

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