US Politics: Jay Z,Beyonce Perform at Hilary Clinton Campaign Concert
Power couple, Jay Z and Beyonce on Friday threw their weight solidly behind Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton by performing...

Chance the Rapper and Big Sean also showed up and performed; CNN reports. "I want my daughter to grow up seeing a women lead our country and knowing that her possibilities are limitless," said Beyonce, sporting a black-and-white polka dot pantsuit. "And that's why I am with her."
"This other guy, I don't have any ill will ... he cannot be my president," Jay Z said. "He cannot be our president. Once you divide us, you weaken us, we are stronger together. And without further ado, I would like to introduce to you the next president of the United State, Miss Hillary Clinton."
Addressing prospective voters at the concert, Clinton said, ''And remember... Jay memorably said something we should all recall: Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther could walk. And Martin Luther walked so Barack Obama could ran. And Barack Obama ran so all the children could fly!"