
President Mugabe's Ally Left 'Shaken' After Receiving Bullet Parcel

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's ally, Mashonaland Central Provincial Affairs Minister Martin Dinha, has reportedly been left &qu...

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's ally, Mashonaland Central Provincial Affairs Minister Martin Dinha, has reportedly been left "shaken" after he received an envelope containing an AK47 bullet and a death threat message.

Zimbabwean media reported on Wednesday that the bullet parcel was delivered to the minister's office on Monday morning.

Dinha confirmed the incident, the state-owned Herald newspaper said, adding that the matter had been reported to the police.

The message read: "Resign now or you die. You messed up with the wrong guys. [Elliot] Manyika, [Border] Gezi and Masawi are waiting for you."

Manyika and Gezi were Zanu-PF political commissars who both died in mysterious car accidents.
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