
Manipulating woman sends kids to 'pee and poop' on matrimonial bed

A Harare man Ernest Kundumidze has told a court that he is tormented by his wife who sends their children to "pee and poop" on h...

A Harare man Ernest Kundumidze has told a court that he is tormented by his wife who sends their children to "pee and poop" on his bed.

 Kundumidze said he wanted the court to help him because he is in a very devastating situation.
"My wife (Tendai Machapa) insults me using obscene language. She does this in front of our children and they end up having no respect for me. The worst part of all this is that she pours water on my bed.

"We sleep in separate bedrooms because of matrimonial disputes. What came as a shocker to me is when I found poop on my bed. Upon inquiry the children revealed that they were told by their mother to relieve themselves on my bed.

"This is strange and disturbing. Apart from the drama at home, she also comes to my workplace to publicly insult me. I have no integrity left because she airs our dirty laundry in public.

 "I do not understand what her problem is with me. Please help me," he said.

 Machapa responded saying: "He is lying. It has been a while now since he abandoned us. He is not staying at home. I have no idea where he is staying now. I have never been to his workplace let alone insult him there.

"He should bring proof to show that I have done all the things he is accusing me of. I have a protection order against him because he is abusive. He is lying I do not know what he is talking about. He is the one who insults everyone including my mother."

 Presiding magistrate Barbra Mateko granted Ernest the protection order he sought.
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