
Nigeria: President Buhari flies to London for urgent medical treatment

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari will take off the next 10 days to "rest" in London and to undergo treatment for an ear ...

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari will take off the next 10 days to "rest" in London and to undergo treatment for an ear infection, his office has said.

Speculation about the 73-year-old president's health has been growing for weeks after he cancelled three official engagements.

"President Buhari will take 10 days off and travel to London from Monday June 6th, to rest," his spokesman Femi Adesina said in a statement.

"During the holiday, the president will see an ear, nose and throat specialist for a persistent ear infection."

Mr Buhari had been examined by his personal physician and a specialist in Nigeria and both "recommended further evaluation purely as a precaution," the statement added.
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