
Taxi driver encounters ghost in Accra

The story about ghosts has been one of divided opinions in Ghana. For the very superstitious, ghosts are real. The form dead return to the...

The story about ghosts has been one of divided opinions in Ghana. For the very superstitious, ghosts are real. The form dead return to the land of the living depends on their short mission back on earth.

However, Christians would argue that the dead goes to rest and await the return of their maker. Other religions believe in various forms of reincarnation.

For taxi driver Isaac Agyiri, the encounter he had on his way from Abelemkpe to Lapaz, suburbs of the capital of Ghana, Accra has changed his point of view when it comes to topics related to ghosts.

Isaac Agyiri got terrified following an encounter with a man he claims was a ghost after picking him from Abelemkpe, a suburb of Accra.

According to the taxi driver, he picked the mysterious man from Abelemkpe and his destination was Lapaz, also in Accra, but the man vanished, despite driving through a highway, barren any form of traffic on the road.

Isaac Agyiri shared his experience with Pulse.com.gh saying “I picked the man from Akpelenkpe around 3:00pm and he said he was going to Abeka-Lapaz to pick a car to Nsawam.”

“I charged the person first that I was going to take GHC 10, but he said he would pay GHC 8 and then after sat in the car.

“When we reached Abofu to climb the Abofu overhead bridge, I began to  ask myself that is this man a good person, because he has some goods, which he has placed in the back seat, so I checked my back, but I didn’t see him again from Achimota overhead to Akweteyman junction.

“I didn’t slow down while driving him because from Achimota overhead to Lapaz is a highway, so I don’t think he got down just like that.

“After I realised he wasn’t in the car, I continued speeding to Lapaz bus stop and packed the car. I opened the car to check well but didn’t see anybody. I was shocked,”

When asked his reaction after realising the passenger wasn’t in the car, Agyiri said “I have been driving for the past 15 years, so when I realised that I kept my cool and drove to Lapaz to the filling station around the car station and opened the back seat to check”

“The man wasn’t in the car but he left his items, so I opened it and to my surprise, I found pick-axe and cutlass wrapped nicely and I drove to Vision 1 FM to narrate my experience.”

Asked how he passed the night, he said “Since yesterday(Saturday) I have not been feeling well. However, before I left home a pastor prayed for me at Vision 1 FM,” he told Pulse.Com.gh.

Agyiri further narrated that has reported the matter to the Mile 7 Police station, “ I drove to the Mile 7 Police Station to report the case and sent the items the man left in my car to them,” he added.
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